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Wednesday, February 24, 2016


I close my eyes
To open my minds,
And see stars
That I hadn’t noticed
In the dark sky-
Those which don’t exist
In the galaxy;
More than one moon
‘Cause light brightens me up
And opens up possibilities-
Like an inventor,
Or an explorer-
I wander to places
Which don’t exist -
But are welcoming,
Open to ideas,
I hadn’t thought of
In consciousness,
‘Cause it’s restrictive.

Monday, February 22, 2016

The train window

I look out o’ the window
And see birds flying,
Or may be racing,
For no reason-
None that I know of.
I can’t see their color-
Color makes for good stories;
We don’t romanticize the ugly.
I like their speed,
I like how they dive,
I like watching them take a U-turn-
Wait, were they competing then?

I look out o’ the window,
See the trees whiz past-
Pleasurably enjoying our triumph
They static, we moving,
The leaves nod at me.
I can’t see their faces-
Faces make for good stories;
We don’t attach with lifelessness.
I like their freshness,
I like how they shake,
I like the leaves not leaving the tree-
Wait, did they lose then?

I look out o’ the window,
Watch a group of urchins
Run out of mud huts-
They naked, our dresses branded;
They wave at me.
I can’t see their wealth-
Wealth makes for good stories;
We find poverty unattractive.
I like their energy,
I like how they swerve,
I like them sticking to a group-
Wait, are they poor then?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Slow Down

I want to slow down
To the pace of earth,
Spinning incessantly-
Yet still to us.

I want to slow down
From the city hubbub,
Roaring blatantly-
Like there’s no peace.

I want to slow down
To the jingle of a trinket
On a carefree maiden,
Lost in worldly chaos.

I want to slow down
From the career choices,
Which blind my focus-
Deaf to inner voices.

I want to slow down
To the pace of the river,
Gently carrying history
Despite her might.

I want to slow down
To my heartbeats,
Which keep me going
Without me knowing.

I want to slow down,
Cherish the memories,
Reflect on the need
For slowing down.